There are quite a few ways to progress through Mafia Wars. You may want to invest time and money in winning fights, building up your mafia, or expanding your business empire. No matter what you do though, it's in your best interests to level up quickly. Every time you get to a new level, your energy, health, and stamina automatically refill. This allows you to keep playing for longer periods and gives you more resources to invest however you choose. It's pretty easy to see, then, why levelling up quickly is always in your best interests.
All About Energy
Every time you master a job or move up a level, you gain skill points that you can use to improve various aspects of your character. Especially at the beginning of the game, you should only use those skill points to increase your maximum energy. Without energy, you can't do much in the game. The more energy you have though, the more jobs you'll be able to do. This means more experience points and a more speedy advance to the next level.
Getting a Good Return
You'll also want to focus on doing the jobs that offer the biggest payoff in terms of experience points relative to the energy they require. No matter what job you do, you'll be bringing in a good amount of cash. You'll make more in the long run though if you focus on getting the maximum experience rather than the maximum cash out of the jobs you choose to do. The more experience you have, the faster you'll level up, and the more energy you'll have to keep doing jobs and earning cash.
Your Top Mafia
Promoting a good top Mastermind as soon as possible will also improve your ability to level up quickly. Having the right person in that position will allow you to earn more experience points from each job you do. You can also benefit from having a good Wheelman in place. Filling this position makes it possible for you to do more jobs because you'll need less energy for each.
The quality of the player that you choose to promote to these positions will have an effect on the benefit you get out of it. The better the player, the greater the gain. Choose wisely and you'll be blowing through levels in no time.
Wait to Fight
You gain experience from winning fights as well as from doing jobs, but fights can cost you a lot more in other areas. Also, if you're snuffed in a fight, you can actually lose experience points. Staying out of fights and focusing on doing jobs is the best way to move up quickly in the game. Once you've established yourself and build up a solid mafia empire, you can pick all the fights you want.
There are all kinds of avenues to explore as you move through the levels in Mafia Wars. Leveling up quickly gives you quite a few advantages, and it also allows you to go on and expand your mafia empire to other parts of the world.
why dont u give some tips from the book to help us level up faster?